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Artificial Turf Playground: Safety Concerns to Know

10 Reasons Why an Artificial Turf Playground Is Safer Than a Natural Grass Playground

Artificial Turf Playground Safety

While playgrounds are crucial for childhood development, their surfaces are not always safe. Most people consider natural grass as the best option, but it often has hidden hazards. This is why an artificial turf playground is becoming more common these days.

Find out why artificial grass is better than the real thing for playgrounds when it comes to safety.

Groundcover Is Crucial to Playground Safety

According to the National Program for Playground Safety, more than 70% of playground injuries occur from falls onto the surface.

Meanwhile, a Consumer Product Safety Commission report showed that falling onto a hard surface caused more injuries than falling off of the equipment itself. For example:

  • A fall onto wood mulch caused 12% of injuries, while falling off equipment caused 11%.
  • 16% of injuries were from falls onto asphalt or concrete, while a fall from equipment only came in at 15%.
  • Falls onto rubber mulch or sand accounted for 5% and 4% respectively. They were followed by falls onto dirt, which accounted for 3% of all injuries.

In short, the playground's surface has a huge impact on how severe injuries are in case of falls.

Hard and rough groundcover, like asphalt, can cause scrapes and bruises. Natural grass offers a softer surface, but the ground underneath can be unforgiving.

Why Artificial Grass Is Not Safe for Playgrounds

Not offering enough padding to reduce the impact of falls is not the only hidden hazard of grass. Here are the other ways it can put kids at risk in playgrounds.


Children who are allergic to pollen can suffer from allergic reactions when playing in grass-covered playgrounds.

Mud Puddles

Bacteria-filled puddles are common in grass-covered playgrounds because it takes time for water to drain in the soil.

Inconsistent Surface

Children's shoes can tear up grass, leaving behind uneven surfaces that increase the risk of trips and falls.

Sharp Objects

Since natural grass can grow up to 10 inches high, it can hide sharp objects like rocks and grass seeds.

Reasons Why an Artificial Turf Playground Is the Safer Than a Playground With Natural Grass

ASTM Rating

Premium artificial grass products are ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) certified for safety. This certification ensures that the turf offers the proper shock absorption, head impact attenuation and vertical. These features are critical in preventing potential injuries.

Creates Soft Fall Zone

Artificial grass has padding underneath it. When kids fall or slip on its surface, the padding absorbs the impact and prevents serious injuries, like broken bones or concussions. This makes it ideal for playgrounds with structures that children can climb, like monkey bars and jungle gyms.

No Insects and Critters

Natural grass in playgrounds can become ideal habitats for many insects, critters, snakes and other pests. These present a danger to kids who play near these areas. Artificial grass does not attract these pests because it does not provide them with food and shelter.

Does Not Need Toxic Chemicals

Playground grass doesn't attract pests, prevents weed growth and looks good all on its own. It doesn't need pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers or fungicides to thrive. In short, there's no risk of children getting sick from coming into contact with these toxic chemicals.

Hypoallergenic Area

Artificial grass has no pollen, bugs, dirt or other allergens that natural grass contains. This means that children who play on it will not experience allergic reactions. The same goes for the parents or guardians who sit nearby.

Eliminates the Risk of Soil-Borne Diseases

Children are known for having their hands in their mouths. And if they're playing on natural grass, this can lead to soil-borne diseases like E. coli. Synthetic turf can cover the ground completely, which helps keep kids from playing with dirt.

No Harmful Fumes From Gas Lawnmowers

Dust thrown up by lawnmowers can affect people who have asthma or other respiratory conditions. Likewise, the dangerous emissions they release can also pose a health hazard for kids. Synthetic grass does not grow, so it doesn't need mowing.

Drains Water Immediately

Artificial grass has superior drainage capabilities and allows water to pass through it easily. Puddles of dirty water don't form on its surface, so there's no chance for germs and bacteria to breed on it.

Doesn’t Get Slippery When Wet

Moreover, unlike natural turf, artificial grass doesn't get slippery when wet. In fact, it offers a certain amount of traction, which helps reduce the risk of slips and falls. Children can safely play on it even after rain.

Even Play Surface

Playground turf provides an even play surface, which can help prevent tripping and falling. And because it's durable, it also doesn't have potholes, dead spots and other tripping hazards like natural grass does.

Note that these are only the safety benefits of artificial grass for playgrounds. Check out this article on why parents love using synthetic turf for their children’s play areas to learn more about its other advantages.

Prioritize Safety in Your Public Playground With Artificial Grass

Raring to install artificial grass for your playground? You can count on Heavenly Greens for a fast and hassle-free installation.

We use only the best artificial grass for playgrounds. You can rest assured that your play space would offer all these safety benefits and more. Talk to us about how you want your playground to turn out and our installers will make it happen in no time.

Call us now at 844-287-5876 or complete this form to get a free quote on your project.

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