How To Keep Your Artificial Turf Looking Great in the Rain

Uh, oh, the weather forecast calls for rain. What should you do? Don’t touch that grass! It will continue to look its exquisite best no matter how hard it rains or how much rain we get. As long as your grass is artificial turf, that is. Natural grass? You’ve got problems. But we’ll get to […]
Frost and Your Artificial Turf

Despite the considerable time we spend talking about how tough and durable artificial turf is, some folks still find that hard to believe. After all, synthetic turf is made from plastic, right? How can it possibly have what it takes to withstand truly difficult conditions? Take frost, for example. Frost can damage natural grass under […]
Most Common Ways People Damage Artificial Turf And How To Avoid Them

Artificial turf is extremely durable. It will hold up beautifully for years and years, under almost any circumstances – especially if you choose a style of grass specifically designed for the use you have in mind. Nonetheless, there are a few things that can damage artificial grass. To protect your investment, you’ll want to know what dangers […]
Why You Shouldn’t Purchase Artificial Turf From Big Box Discount Stores

We all want to find the best deal possible when shopping for home improvement items, including artificial turf. Big box stores and discounters offer seemingly great prices on fake grass, but before you rush out to buy from them, you should do a little more research. There is more to consider than price, if you want […]
What Are the Benefits of Installing Artificial Turf on Your Roof or Deck?

Artificial turf is so versatile, you can “fake it” with lawn grass in many places most people wouldn’t even think about. Balconies and rooftops, for example. Or large decks and patios. Artificial grass doesn’t have any soil or lawn care requirements of natural grass, so you can put it virtually anywhere, even several stories above ground. […]
Your Screened In Porch Can Still Be Summery In Winter

Don’t you just love relaxing on the porch in summer? You can sit and read, chat with friends or family, or just lie there and do nothing, soaking up the warmth and smelling the fragrant flowers in your garden. And thanks to those screens around your porch, your enjoyment is never marred by bugs or […]
What You Need To Know Before Installing Artificial Turf

You’ve finally decided to make the switch to artificial turf. You already know it is a great investment. But there are still a few things you need to know and consider before installing your faux grass. The lay of the land Great news! Artificial grass can be planted in areas where natural grass won’t grow or […]
Safety Tips For Having A Backyard Fire Pit On Your Artificial Turf

There’s nothing quite like sitting around a cozy campfire when it’s chilly outside. With a backyard fire pit, you can do just that – all year long, during the day or at night to watch the stars. No wonder this is one of the hottest backyard accessory trends – and your artificial lawn is a prime location. […]
5 Landscape Solutions For Irregular Yards

Does your home have an irregular or oddly-shaped yard? This isn’t unusual, but it can be a puzzler for homeowners who want to create a lovely landscape. Especially when it comes to the lawn. While it might be tempting to carve off the edges of your grass to create an easy-to-mow rectangle, your yard will […]
What To Do If A Critter, Like A Mole, Gets Under Your Artificial Turf?

Those wretched moles! And their equally wretched cousins, gophers! Digging up a storm, and making a big mess of your lawn, one hole or mound at a time. It’s enough to make any self-respecting home owner throw in the towel. You might as well pave over your yard and be done with it. Whoa! We […]