Why Artificial Grass is the Best Choice for Your Dog’s Yard

As a dog owner, you want a yard that is safe, clean, and enjoyable for your furry friend. Maintaining a natural lawn with dogs can be a challenge—muddy paws, holes from digging, and patchy grass are just some of the struggles pet owners face. That’s why more homeowners are turning to synthetic turf for dogs […]
How To Avoid Muddy Paw Prints On Your Floors

Most pet parents are the ultimate in devotion when it comes to their cats and dogs. We love their purrs and wags and all the silly things they do. But that doesn’t mean they’re perfect, and one of their less charming traits is their ability to track mud, grass clippings and other yard debris, and […]
Dog Friendly Shopping In The Bay Area

What dog doesn’t love to shop? Think we’re kidding? What every dog loves most is to be with their FurMom or FurDad. And if shopping is the order of the day, well, then they are ready to head off with you, with a woof and a wag. Whether you’re just out for some window shopping […]