The Bay Area Leader in Artificial Turf

Comparing Artificial Turf Infill: Silica Sand vs. Crumb Rubber

ComparingArtificialTurfInfill SilicaSandvsCrumbRubber

An important part of artificial turf. The infill settles into the turf and supports the blades keeping them erect and protecting the mesh fabric that holds everything together. There are different kinds of infill that are commonly used for specific reasons. Some types of infill will work better for playgrounds and athletic fields, while others […]

What is the Best Artificial Grass Infill for Pets?

HG What is the Best Artificial Grass Infill for Pets

Artificial turf is safe for both children and pets and will withstand several years of use with minimal wear and tear. One of the keys to its longevity and durability is the type of infill that is used. Artificial grass infill for pets needs to be durable, resilient and able to resist odors as well […]