Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

FieldTurf is Tough Enough

Written by Troy Scott | 08 May

Are you looking for long-lasting, durable, tough surfacing for your sports complex? Whether it’s a public soccer field, competitive lacrosse field, intermural field at a college’s athletic facility or a professional football field, there is one name that is tough enough – Heavenly Greens artificial turf.

Heavenly Greens provides fake lawn grass landscaping solutions for anyone from a preschool recreational league to the most serious of professional competitors.

Their FieldTurf is made to last. It is always green, healthy-looking and plush, no matter the volume of foot traffic. Frequent sprints, fast breaks, running routes and field goal kicks do not affect the look and feel of artificial grass, so there will not be any dead, bare or brown patches from cleats.

Plus, synthetic turf is flat and even. It doesn’t slope like natural fields, and there aren’t hidden holes, so it’s safer. Athletes can run with their eyes on the ball rather than worrying they might hit an unseen slope that can trip them up.

Mostly importantly, Heavenly Greens artificial turf grass is installed by professionals. The job is not hired out to a contractor. Instead, it’s the professionals themselves, who have customized the field to be exactly as your prefer it.

A durable, natural-looking field is possible for your school, public park or professional space. Call the Heavenly Greens professionals today for a quote on artificial turf installation.

Get an adviser to find out how to save on maintenance and water, while giving players a field that can be used up to 3X as much - even during rain, call 888-254-5503.