Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

20 Tips For Saving Money And Going Green

Written by Troy Scott | 13 February


In order to protect the earth and maintain precious resources for future generations, everyone needs to do their part. Going green is increasing in scope, from the choices we make in household products and design to the types of vehicles we drive and careers we take. According to Advertising Age, nearly $40 billion is spent on environmentally friendly products and services annually. This includes eco-friendly home products like artificial turf, recycled building materials, and solar energy systems.

What’s even better than knowing you’re doing everything you can to be a good friend to the environment? Saving money while you’re doing it. There are lots of ways you can save money by going green.

Remember the “3 Rs” of sustainability: reduce, reuse, recycle. Here are 20 tips for going green and saving a few bucks at the same time.  

  1. Just say no to bottled water. Those plastic bottles add up in a devastating way. If your local tap water doesn’t cut it in the taste department, refill your drinking size water bottle from a large, recyclable one. Or choose an environmentally-friendly filtering system to clean your water and give it a better taste.
  2. Switch to a more fuel-efficient or hybrid car. That 8-cylinder gas hog is no longer the best transportation option. Trade it in for a smaller vehicle that makes less of a carbon footprint.
  3. Or take public transportation. You could save on insurance as well as gas and other expenses, and you can make new friends along the way.
  4. Ride your bike. This is a great way to get extra exercise into your week if you live within a mile of work or shopping centers.
  5. Conduct a home or business energy audit. Caulking, adding insulation, programmable thermostats, etc. all add up handsomely, so they’re ideal ways to save money by going green. You’ll be more comfortable and happier with your heating and cooling costs, too.
  6. Replace older model appliances and building products such as windows and doors with Energy Star-rated ones. If your appliances aren’t running well, repair or replace them with new ones.
  7. Replace light bulbs with energy-efficient models, especially the new LED types. The Environmental Protection Agency says that, on average, you can save $6 for every $1 you spend on efficient light bulbs.
  8. Review your water heater temperature. This single appliance is responsible for as much as 25% on your heating bill. Reduce it down to 78 degrees for comfortable water temperatures that don’t require as much energy to maintain.
  9. Fix leaky faucets, sinks, and toilets, indoors and outside. They are a huge waste of water that can add up to hundreds of gallons each year
  10. Eat out less often. A typical American family spends as much as $4000 a year on restaurant meals. Try cooking at home at least 5 days a week, and saving your dining out experiences for weekends when you are likely to be out running errands or entertaining friends.
  11. Take it a step further and grow your own food. You’ll get guaranteed organic fruits and veggies if you grow them yourself, and you’ll get fresh flavor you won’t believe till you savor it for yourself. Plus you’ll save a bundle over grocery store prices. Want to save even more? Purchase a freezer or learn how to can fruits and vegetables so you can retain your garden’s abundance to enjoy year-round.
  12. Group up with your neighbors to share tools, mowers, etc. rather than buying a garage-full of items you’ll use only occasionally. Switch to electric appliances from gasoline models. Or use good old-fashioned elbow grease.
  13. Make your own green cleaning products. Household basics such as vinegar, lemon juice and baking soda work just as well as store bought products, and they’re non-toxic for your family as well as the environment.
  14. Make your own beauty products. These things can be expensive, and you can easily create your own customized versions of hand lotion, shampoo, lip balm, bath oil, etc. using avocado, oatmeal, sea salt, yogurt or eggs and herbs.
  15. Make your own organic pesticides. They’ll eliminate unwanted insects without poisoning your family or pets. And brew up some compost instead of using commercial fertilizers on your landscape.
  16. Forget lawn chores and dealing with pests by installing eco-friendly artificial turf. Reduce the need for mowing the grass with lifelike fake grass that stays lush all year long.
  17. Use the library. It’s filled with thousands of books you probably haven’t read, and they’re all free. Or you can share and download classic eBooks for free on your Kindle or Nook e-reader.
  18. Don’t use disposable cups, plates, etc. Real coffee cups and dishes are better looking anyway, and that improves your personal environment as well as Planet Earth.
  19. Plant deciduous trees that will provide heavenly shade in the summer but allow no-cost natural solar heat in winter. Open up windows during the day to heat your home, and close them at night to retain temperatures. Do the opposite in the summer months to keep your home cool.
  20. Don’t run your clothes or dishwashers unless they’re full. The EPA says waiting till your dishwasher is full could save you $40 over a year. Use cold water for clothes washing.

The more you think about it, the more ways you can find to save money by going green.