Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

5 Surprising Ways To Create An Eco-Friendly House

Written by Troy Scott | 12 January

Homeowners are learning the importance of energy efficiency. Taking simple steps to create an eco-friendly house will result in a cleaner home and lower utility bills. The best thing is, you don't have to perform costly renovations to increase your home's efficiency. There are a variety of small things you can do to make your home more eco-friendly and cost effective.

Bamboo Flooring and Shades

Bamboo is quickly becoming a popular material for both flooring and window shades. While bamboo flooring may require more than just a little renovating, it is just as durable as hardwoods and much more cost effective. Shades made of bamboo are lightweight but easy to manage. They are sturdy and resistant to exposure to the elements. Bamboo grows extremely fast and replenishes itself in nature at an astounding rate. It's cost effective and will last for several years with sufficient care.

Energy Efficient Cookware

Ceramic, silicone and glass cookware are more efficient than other types of dishes and pans. Ceramic and glass disperse heat more efficiently, allowing foods to cook through more completely. When heat is properly utilized, cooking times can be reduced and temperatures can be lowered, saving both time and money. Depending on the types of foods being prepared, they are also easier to clean and will not degrade over time like teflon-coated cookware.

Grow Houseplants

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to an eco-friendly house is air quality. Heating and cooling systems must be cleaned regularly to ensure air within the home is free of contaminants. Growing houseplants can help to reduce many of the airborne contaminants that are found in most homes. They also help to reduce odors. A houseplant in each room helps to keep the level of impurities low and the home smelling fresh and clean. Houseplants give an eco-friendly house a natural touch.

Save Water With Low Flow Features

Another major concern in many areas is water usage. A low-flow toilet can reduce the amount of water needed per flush by half. In addition to low-flow toilets, there are also high pressure faucets and shower heads that can be turned off at the head to allow for maximum water control. Using these new appliances can help homeowners save money as well as comply with community restrictions on water usage. Much of a home's water usage occurs in the bathroom. Installing energy efficient shower heads and faucets can reduce the amount of water used every time it is turned on. People often take water usage for granted. With these new appliances and fixtures, it takes little forethought to save water, while still being able to use it when it is needed.

Build A Compost Bin

A compost bin serves two purposes when it comes to being eco-friendly. First, it is an easy way to dispose of kitchen waste and at the same time create a viable fertilizer that isn't harsh or chemically based. Vegetables and fruit peelings and waste can be deposited in the compost bin and blended in with black dirt will create a nutrient rich fertilizer that can be used on both houseplants and garden produce. Kitchen scraps that contain meat or cooking oils should not be used in compost bin. They can attract pests and rodents that will eventually ruin the compost. Compost bins can be built out of wood pallets or five gallon drums. The only requirement is that there be an opening large enough to stir and mix the compost on a regular basis.

Making an eco-friendly house is not difficult. These small steps are only a few of the many ideas that can be found online or at local home improvement stores. Some are easy and others may take some time and effort, but the end results will save you both time and money for years to come.