Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

Beautiful Landscape Solutions For Drought-Stricken California

Written by Troy Scott | 16 September

The severity of the recent drought in California has caused residents to look into different landscaping solutions to beautify their lawns. There are several alternatives that can be used that require little to no water and are easy to maintain. Most landscaping solutions require little work and can be performed by the homeowner and are relatively inexpensive.

Drought Resistant Foliage

There are several species of drought resistant foliage that can be incorporated into landscaped areas. Tall, decorative grasses can be placed along the back of the area to create depth. Rhododendron, valandula, miribalis and echinacea are just a few drought tolerant plants that will add color and height to the landscaped area. Using several different varieties of blooming cacti will also provide both color and greenery. One of the keys to using foliage is placing it appropriately with the shortest plants in the foreground. This provides depth and will make the area look larger than it really is.

Statuary and Stone

Including statues and other decorative pieces will help to create a theme or set a mood. Statuary, bird baths and small fountains (that recirculate existing water) can also be used to create a beautiful landscaped area. Statues come in various sizes and themes and can be positioned either on the ground or on pedestals to create depth. One large statue can be used as a focal point or several small ones can be placed throughout the area to draw the eye to unique elements within the composition.

Stones come in several sizes and colors and can be used to create patterns and pathways in the landscaped areas. Pea gravel can be used as a base to prevent weeds and grass from growing within the landscaped boundaries. Placing landscaping cloth down before applying the gravel will also help to stabilize the gravel so that it doesn't shift or move out of place. Large size gravel can also be placed around plants or statues to create a different look. Boulders and rocks can be strategically placed as well.


What better way to accentuate focal points in a landscaped area than to use lighting. Spot lights can be trained on specific pieces to draw attention to them, while back lighting can be used to create a subtle affect and create ambiance. Special filters can be placed over the clear covers to produce different colors of light on certain areas of the landscape making them stand out. Lighting systems are also available that can shine images on walls or or automatically change colors as music plays or in a pre-programmed pattern.

Lights can be placed along the ground, on posts or at strategic points along the backdrop depending on the type of mood the homeowner is trying to create. Solar lights can be installed to help keep electrical bills low. Solar lights come in a variety of sizes and can also be adapted to produce color just like electrical lighting. Whether the lighting is subtle or direct, almost any type of mood can be created. Colors can be mixed or matched to complement any holiday season or sporting event. The combinations are only limited by the homeowner's imagination.

Homeowners who live in areas that are often hard hit with drought conditions can still have beautifully landscaped areas around their homes. By using plants that are drought tolerant and adding various materials such as gravel, sand, statues, bird baths and different types of lighting, they can create an area that sets any mood. Careful planning can create an area that can be altered with the seasons and require little care once it is finished.