Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

Why Dogs And Their People Love Artificial Turf

Written by Troy Scott | 20 January

Homeowners and their pets love artificial turf for a variety of reasons. While property owners may choose to install it because it is easy to care for, enhances the home's curb appeal and increases its resale value, pets gain other advantages.

Look and Feel of Natural Grass

Artificial turf has the look and feel of natural grass. Synthetic grass maintains its color and texture throughout the year without having to be watered on a regular basis. The grass stays at the same height and does not have to be mowed or raked to give it the look and feel of natural grass. Dogs and cats alike are more at home when they feel as if they are in their natural environment. Artificial grass provides that natural feel that allows them to feel safe and secure in their surroundings.

No Harsh Chemical Pesticides or Fertilizers

Synthetic turf does not require the use of harsh chemicals that are often found in pesticides and fertilizers. When a natural grass lawn is reseeded or treated for weeds and unwanted plant growth, animals and children must be kept off of it so they do not come in contact with the chemicals that are used. With artificial turf, there is no down time and animals and children can play and spend time outside whenever they wish.

Chemicals that are often used in pesticides and fertilizers can be extremely hard on the environment. They are known to contaminate natural water sources and can often be spread to other areas when high winds are present. This can pose a serious danger for pets in close proximity to where the chemicals have been used. When artificial grass is installed, there is no risk of any type of environmental impact caused by fertilizers and pesticides.

Won't Wear Under Heavy Foot Traffic

Animals and children can be hard on a natural grass lawn. The more foot traffic there is the higher the risk of patterns and trails developing in areas where the children and animals often play. Synthetic grass is made from extremely durable materials that hold their color, shape and texture through extreme conditions. Children and pets can play on a synthetic lawn for hours without tearing up grassy areas or creating well worn paths.

Artificial turf is often used for playground surfaces for the same reason. It can be placed under swings and at the base of slides and other pieces of equipment that normally would have bare areas underneath. When artificial grass is used, there is no need to constantly reseed or refertilize bare areas. Children can run and play without fear of tearing up the surface or getting grass stains on their clothing if they fall or slide on the ground.

No Lawn Debris to Track Through

When synthetic turf is installed, there is no resulting lawn debris. No grass clippings are produced and there is little chance of dirt being exposed due to high foot traffic. Children and animals can play outside whenever they choose and not risk tracking in grass, mud and other types of lawn debris. After heavy rains and wind, lawns can become a collection of grass clippings, tree limbs, twigs and mud. Homeowners who have artificial turf lawns will no longer have to worry about the grass clippings and mud being brought into the home by their children and pets. Twigs and tree limbs are easily gathered and disposed of and don't become easily enmeshed in the synthetic grass.

Homeowners that have children and pets will appreciate the convenience a lawn made with synthetic grass will provide. Not only will their lawn stay green all year long, there won't be any of the inconveniences associated with natural grass lawns.