Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

Make A Great Investment With Your Tax Return - Install Artificial Grass

Written by Troy Scott | 09 April

If you want a lawn – a lush expanse that beautifies your home and gives your family and friends a place to play and relax – it’s time to replace your doomed grass with artificial grass. The evidence is right in front of you.

Outdoor weather will be in full swing soon, so now is an ideal time to make the switch. Why not put your tax refund to good use – investing the money in your home in a way that brings multiple benefits you will enjoy for years. There are many things you could do with your refund, but you’ll be hard-pressed to find something that delivers this kind of ROI.

Landscapers, nurseries and homeowners have tried for years to protect residential yards from being the #1 target of water restrictions. It’s a matter economics, and not just the kind that generate revenue for plant- and turf-related businesses. A home or business with beautiful landscaping is literally a more valuable real estate asset. It upgrades the community and benefits the environment.

But as California’s drought has gone from bad to worse to severe to beyond extreme, watering your lawn is no longer sensible. And the restrictions just got tighter.

It’s time to act.

On March 17, the State Water Board officially expanded emergency water conservation regulations. Board Chair Felicia Marcus stated bluntly, “We need to sacrifice emerald lawns and other water use luxuries . . . today’s action is just a tune-up and a reminder to act, and we will consider more significant actions in the weeks to come.”

She said water agencies should be “motivating” customers to take even more responsibility for the amount of water used in homes, backyards and businesses. You can be fined up to $500 per day for irrigation infractions.

In a related move, the Santa Clara Valley Water District proposed another 30% water reduction, limiting lawn watering to twice a week.

Why choose artificial grass?

  • Increasingly stringent watering restrictions make it virtually impossible to maintain a healthy, pretty lawn.
  • As your children and pets play, your lawn develops ugly bare spots and divots.
  • When you can water – or if it ever rains – you have to repeatedly mow, rake, fertilize and use pesticides to keep your lawn in good condition. And where there is water, there is mud, inevitably tracked into the house on paws and feet.

Instead of all that, you can save money and recapture “leisure” time you can actually use leisurely.

Artificial grass looks and feels like the real thing. It’s non-toxic and allergen-free. With the proper infill and drainage system, moisture from rain, pet urine or spilled drinks drains right through and grass dries quickly. Pet waste is easy to hose away or pick up. Fake grass is even recyclable, so it’s doubly sustainable.

Top-quality artificial grass isn’t just pretty, it’s super-tough. It’s perfect for walkways and dog areas, and it provides soft, safe footing underneath your kids’ play equipment. You can create your own backyard bocce court, putting green, tennis or croquet court.

Tax refund too small? No worries.

The HERO program, offered through your local government, provides homeowners with low fixed-interest rate loans for water conservation-oriented home improvements, including installing synthetic turf. These loans cover 100% of your installation costs with no down payment, and you repay them as you pay your property taxes. You can finance up to 15% of your property value for either 5 or 10 years, and if you sell your home the balance owed moves with the property to the new owner.

Summer’s coming. Will your lawn still be fighting for its life while you continue to fight the frustrations of water restrictions and ongoing maintenance? Or will you use your tax refund to transform your yard so you can, indeed, enjoy a luxurious, emerald green lawn?