Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

When Will We See The End Of The California Drought?

Written by Troy Scott | 10 February

The dry conditions that have been plaguing large areas of the southwestern United States are not going to end any time soon. California drought conditions have continued to become more severe with each passing year. According to meteorologists, the trend is not going to change in the near future. In fact, many claim that it could go on for years. One of the main problems is that, in California, ground water supplies are not closely regulated.

Water Conservation

With California drought conditions continuing to worsen, environmental experts claim that one of the most efficient ways of saving what is left of the state's usable water supply is water conservation. That means limiting any unnecessary use of water as well as reducing the amount of contaminants that will end up in the groundwater supply.

Conserving water is not as easy as it sounds in a society where we perceive certain things to be in unlimited supply. Not only is water limited, it is actually being lost in record quantities. Learning to conserve takes time and considerable effort. A few things that can be learned in an attempt to conserve water include:

  • Turn the faucet off when you are not using the water

  • Don't run more water than is needed for a particular task

  • Limit showers to 5 to 7 minutes

  • Only fill bathtubs with a few inches of water

  • Buy bottled water for drinking and cooking

  • Don't wash your vehicles or water your lawn

  • Replace natural lawns with artificial turf

Of all of these, artificial turf is possibly the most efficient of all. By replacing your natural lawn with artificial grass, you can maintain a beautiful lawn and remain compliant with your neighborhood's beautification standards.

Protecting Groundwater Supplies

While water conservation can help to protect the quantity and quality of water that is available, protecting the groundwater supply means monitoring other factors as well. One of the biggest issues concerning the state's water supply is the use of hazardous chemicals leaching into aquifers and groundwater supplies. Fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides used in agriculture and lawn care can affect millions of gallons of water with a minimal amount of contaminant. It only takes a gallon of pesticide to render millions of gallons of water unsuitable for human or animal consumption.

Restricting the use of these chemicals is important if the state wants to protect is diminishing water supply. Until California drought conditions begin to change, any use of agricultural chemicals will have a dramatic impact on the ground water supply. The same is true for individuals who use fertilizers on their lawns. Eliminating, or dramatically reducing the use of these chemicals is important if we plan on maintaining clean water resources.

Using natural fertilizers is one option. Another is replacing natural grass lawns with artificial turf. Turf can remain in place for several years without showing signs of wear or damage and needs minimal care. No chemicals are required and non are leached into the soil because the materials do not degrade. Synthetic grass keeps a lawn looking its best without the stress of worrying about fines related to watering and keeping it maintained up to the standards of the community.

Increased Legislation to Prevent Loss

California is one of the few states that have passed legislation limiting the use of water. In the past few years, legislation has been introduced and passed through the state government that enables law enforcement officers to ticket homeowners who violate the law by watering their lawns and washing their vehicles unnecessarily. While this may seem harsh to some, California drought conditions are making these drastic steps necessary to ensure that people have sufficient clean water to remain healthy. Learn more about the penalities for not adhering to water conservation ordinances.