Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

Summer Lawn Maintenance Tips for San Jose Artificial Lawns

Written by Troy Scott | 20 April

The air is getting warmer, flowers are blooming, trees are budding, and everyone’s excited to soak up the sunshine. When you live in San Jose, you know there’s nothing quite like the deliciously hot days and refreshingly cool nights of summer. This season, you probably want to spend your weekends getting out of town, or even around town, to enjoy the hiking, biking, boating, fishing, climbing, sports, cultural exploration and so much more that the Bay Area has to offer.

When we’re located in this great location for adventure and exploration, our yards should be as low-maintenance and worry-free as possible.  Achieving this can be tricky though. If you take a camping trip to Lake Tahoe, you don’t want to have to worry about watering and caring for your lawn. Thinking of a longer trip out of town? Even worse!

You don’t want to have to remember about whether your sprinklers are set to go off early enough in the morning, or whether one is clogged or broken. You also don’t want to deal with hiring and supervising lawn maintenance teams to help you out during extended vacations. Though professional lawn care can be great on occasion to do a lawn refresh by fertilizing, dethatching, trimming and mowing, at the end of the day, you may just have more broken sprinkler heads and crushed flowers than you’d bargained for. And it’s not much of a vacation if you’re bugging the neighbors to help keep track of your lawn maintenance issues.

Beyond the pain of ensuring that your lawn is cared for while you are away from San Jose, the fact remains that it’s not much fun to maintain when you are home, either. Would you rather be splashing in the pool with your kids, or spending hours sweating behind the lawn mower? Yeah, we thought so. 

As summer fun approaches, consider installing synthetic turf to help with your lawn maintenance needs. Heavenly Greens is proud to offer artificial turf that is low-maintenance and gorgeous. It allows you more playtime and significantly lower water bills, plus your lawn will look naturally lush and green 365 days a year! Click Here to learn more about Heavenly Greens synthetic turf benefits for your San Jose lawn.

 Forget about fighting summer droughts. Go enjoy your beautiful green synthetic lawn every day this summer. And relax with the peace of mind that if you go on vacation, your lawn will still be in the same shape when you get home—without any stressful, expensive maintenance.