Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

How Durable Is Modern Synthetic Grass Compared To Real Grass?

Written by Troy Scott | 07 August


Don’t you just love the sight of lush, green grass? Nothing compares to a gorgeous lawn, so let’s look at how two local homeowners approached their desire for a luxurious lawn.  

Steve and Sally chose real grass. They laid down sod and, instantly, their yard was so pretty! They were so proud they took photos (selfies on the grass, of course) and posted them on Facebook. They couldn’t wait to plan their first party.

Max and Margie chose synthetic grass. Immediately, their yard was transformed into an expanse of lush emerald green. Just gorgeous. They, too, took pictures to show off their new lawn to friends and family. No one believed them when they said it was fake. They set to work planning their first party.

One year later . . . 

Steve and Sally are wondering why they thought real grass was the way to go. Their lawn has lost its luster, in more ways than one.

  • Their golden retriever, Sissy, has made a mess – digging, rolling, doing endless plant-and-turn moves playing with the kids.
  • The kids themselves have done their share of damage, too. That sod was so inviting at first, it became Game Central for the entire neighborhood. Obviously too much for the grass to handle, and it’s now looking worse for wear.
  • Steve and Sally have not been able to host the many parties they envisioned, because they’re spending their weekends slaving over their grass, vainly struggling to restore it to its original beauty. Filling in holes, reseeding bare spots where games and dog rolling wore the grass down to the nubbins. Endless mowing, edging, weeding, fertilizing, fighting off bugs and disease. All they have achieved is sunburn.
  • Initially, their water bill soared, and the neighbors glared at all that watering. So Steve and Sally did the right thing and cut way back. Now, of course, their grass is dry, yellowed, and dusty. It is useless, ugly, and an embarrassment. If only they’d gone with faux grass like Max and Margie down the street.

Margie and Max are beyond thrilled with their choice of synthetic grass. They did their homework before making a decision, so they knew that modern artificial grass is nothing like that old Astro Turf stuff. Today’s grass products are tough as nails, made to last for many years, and amazingly beautiful and life-like.

Max and Margie had laughed when no one believed their new lawn was faux. Even when folks arrived for that first celebratory party, they had to run their fingers through the grass or take off their sandals and wiggle their toes to know for sure. Whoa! Who knew synthetic grass had come this far?

  • Their rescue dogs, Muffin and Mongrel, think the artificial grass was installed just for them. And in some ways, that’s exactly right. They have rolled and romped to their hearts’ content (as have the kids), with nary a blade of grass out of place. Muffin tried her best to dig, but she was totally foiled, because modern synthetic grass is dig-proof.
  • Now that Steve and Sally’s yard has lost its fluffy appeal, all the neighborhood kids have moved to Max and Margie’s place for fun and games. They wouldn’t have it any other way. And they love it when the other parents show up toward the end of the day, everyone getting together for BBQ and s’mores. There’s plenty of opportunity for that, because Margie and Max spend just a few minutes a month keeping their gorgeous lawn in pristine condition.

And their water bill? What water bill? They haven’t spent one dime on watering their grass, because synthetic grass is not only the modern choice, it’s the environmentally-smarter choice.

Looking for more information? Check out our Ultimate Homeowner's Guide to Artificial Grass!