Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

The Dark Side of Natural Lawns

Written by Troy Scott | 14 January


Have you gone over to the dark side? Your neighbors probably think so, if you’re still fronting your home (or your commercial property) with a natural lawn. In its prime, natural grass is bright and beautiful – an invitingly lush, emerald asset. Alas, there is a dark side to natural grass – all the elements that make it not-so-prime and not much of an asset, no matter how much attention you give it.

Artificial turf is just naturally better

The primary problem with live grass is that it’s needy. It needs water lots of water) to grow, fertilizer to thrive, pesticides to protect it, and weed killers or a lot of manual weed-pulling to keep unwanted plants from encroaching and marring its uniform surface.

You could use organic products, but you’re still dumping chemicals on grass turf over and over. Whatever you use, most of it does nothing for grass, instead running off down the street and into storm drains to contaminate both surface and groundwater. And the water required to keep natural lawns alive? That’s a precious and increasingly scarce life necessity that is truly wasted on ornamental landscaping.

And then there’s the mowing. Nothing throws shade over your weekend plans like the need to mow, trim, blah, blah, blah. Again. And not to throw even more shade over your prowess as a homeowner, but in the vast majority of cases, all this effort and expense rarely produces the invitingly lush, emerald asset you envisioned. 

But, look on the bright side

You can just say no to the dark side of natural lawn. With a snap of your fingers and one quick call to our Heavenly Greens grass experts, you could replace that lawn with artificial turf. Picture yourself emerging like a butterfly, from the darkness of slavery to your needy natural grass into the enlightened universe of synthetic lawn.

You can feel the Zen, can’t you?

Artificial turf can:

  • Brighten your attitude. Who wouldn’t feel lighter after offloading all the work and hassle associated with natural lawn maintenance?! With artificial turf, your lawn will always look just-right. And you will no longer be embarrassed by environmentally-unfriendly practices.
  • Brighten your finances. Most homeowners don’t dare add up what they spend on regular lawn care. Trust us, it’s a stunner. Artificial turf asks so little of you.
  • Brighten your outdoor living prospects. With a better looking yard and more time to enjoy it, you can be living the California Dream of sun and relaxation.
  • Brighten your home’s financial value. That’s right, not only can you save money and time across all the years you get to enjoy your artificial turf, you can make money off it when you want to sell your home.

Once you ditch the darkness of natural lawn, you can do so many wonderful things to make your yard come alive in truly sustainable ways:

  • Plant drought-tolerant flowers, shrubs and trees to complement your artificial turf.
  • Plant herbs and flowers in water-efficient containers (and harvest the results for yummy meals and lovely arrangements year round).
  • Choose plants that provide critical habitat, food and shelter for wild critters from bees and butterflies to hummers and songbirds. Add a birdbath and a tiny butterfly watering station, and these beauties will flock to your place.

Nothing dark or dreary about any of that!

Lighten up!

Join the crowd and make the switch to artificial turf. Your future’s never been brighter!