Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

A Healthy Green (Artificial) Lawn in the Silicon Valley

Written by Troy Scott | 18 February

What do you look forward to doing on this weekend? Sleeping in? Sipping coffee at your favorite cafe? Taking long bike ride on the coast? Relaxing in the park with a good book, your dog, a friend—or all three?

How about maintaining your lawn? Does the thought of pushing a heavy lawn mower for hours around your yard thrill you?


We’re guessing that for most of you, mowing the lawn is not what you’d prefer to be doing on your day off. You probably don’t love watering it either, or weeding it for that matter! In an arid climate like the Silicon Valley, maintaining healthy lawns is time- and energy-consuming, not to mention costly. Between lawn mower gas, water bills, and the hassle of fertilizer, having a healthy, green lawn isn’t easy. In fact, it can be a pretty big pain!

If you’re sick of all those weekend mornings spent trudging behind your lawnmower (which incidentally probably wakes up half the neighborhood every time you rev it up), maybe it’s time to start thinking about alternatives for your yard. While you could go the rock garden route, or pave the entire thing and make a giant patio, we’d like to suggest something that’s a little more conducive to relaxing and playing in your yard: synthetic turf.

That’s right, it’s not just for sports fields! Synthetic turf is a great choice for home lawns! Whether you’re a family on the go, a busy working person, a pet owner, or a parent, artificial lawns are a wonderful alternative. Thanks to advances in artificial turf design and technology, you can have a lawn that looks real and stays green and luscious all-year round, with nary a mower, weed-killer, or fertilizer to be seen.

Heavenly Greens is the only synthetic turf business in the Silicon Valley, and even Northern California, to offer FieldTurf, a highly advanced, environmentally friendly breed of artificial grass. It takes a matter of hours to install hassle-free artificial turf that looks real and feels great. Heavenly Greens artificial turf is pet-safe and child-friendly. You can enjoy your lawn without the weekly chore of mowing it.

Head to the Heavenly Greens showroom in San Jose and see what we’re talking about. It’s time to ditch the mower and get a low-maintenance lawn. Trust us, you’ll love your weekends even more!