Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

Camping in Your Backyard and Other Summer Activities With a Synthetic Lawn

Written by Troy Scott | 06 April

Let’s discuss the Experience of Getting Close to Artificial Grass and examine several scenarios where you’re getting down and dirty with your lawn, and get up close and personal with Heavenly Greens artificial turf. 

While you may forget from time to time to stop and smell the roses, hopefulyy you at least try to get outside and spend some time in your yard or at a local park. If you don’t, why not? Is it allergies? The mud? The bugs? By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll realize why artificial grass is the way to go for lawn installation, helping you spend more time conveniently and comfortably on your lawn. (At least we think so.)

Picnicking on Artificial Grass 

It’s fun, romantic and often delicious to picnic on the grass with a sweetheart. Grab the red and white-checkered blanket, fill up a basket with sandwiches and drinks, and head out to find a spot of soft grass.

However those ants in the egg salad sandwiches might not stir up much of an appetite. And the bees in your lemonade? Not so tasty, and definitely a little scary. The dirt on your blanket, or mud on your outfit isn’t too fun either. There’s also the incessant sneezing, itchy eyeballs and runny nose that some may experience when they’re surrounded by grass pollen.

What artificial grass offers: Heavenly Greens guarantees our turf will alleviate some, if not all, of these grassy woes. Artificial grass is cleaner, allergen-free and discourages bug infestation! 

Backyard Camping on Artificial Grass

Who doesn’t love pitching a pup tent in the backyard for the kids, or even for yourself? Get out the ‘grahams and the ‘mallows, roast a few wieners, regale everyone with your favorite ghost stories, and fall asleep to the sound of crickets. 

But Woops! — make sure you turn off the 5am sprinkler settings first. You might have already headed inside anyway if you’ve found the cold and unforgiving ground, with pine needles and pebbles a little too much to handle. Maybe you’re hardy though and the sprinklers are off but—you hear a pitter-patter on the thin nylon tent. Relaxing with the rhythm of rain, you doze again, only to awake to a seeping puddle infiltrating your space.

What artificial grass offers: First of all, you won’t ever have to worry about sprinklers again with an artificial lawn. Our infill guarantees our grass is always luscious. Though it is highly durable, it is soft to the touch. And if it rains, artificial grass by Heavenly Greens drains at ten times the rate of real grass, meaning water won’t have the time to pool on your lawn.

Pets on Artificial Grass 

Picture your joyful dog, bounding through the lush green grass after the tennis ball you’ve just thrown for him. One of the perks of owning a yard is being able to own a pet and giving them the exercise they need. 

But how often do you get outside with your pet? And how often do you resist letting your dog out? Many pet owners avoid heading outdoors due to a messy lawn. Perhaps they are allergic to it anyway. Some even resist letting their pups roam the yard, wary of mud, insects and more. And we all know we’ll be reminded of our favorite chore when we step on the lawn: cleaning up doggy waste.

What artificial grass offers: We’ve already covered how much cleaner artificial turf is, no matter the weather. Your dog won’t get muddy or likely any insects either from your synthetic turf lawn, and he’ll be able to enjoy romping in the yard 365 days a year! With artificial turf, pet waste pickup is simple: just spray away pet debris with your garden hose. Stop stepping in doo-doo!Artificial turf lets you and Fido roam free!

So there you have it! Come check out Heavenly Greens’ San Jose showroom to learn about all of our artificial turf options for your yard or business.