Artificial Grass Blog | Heavenly Greens

Allergies Be Gone!

Written by Troy Scott | 24 May


The coughing. The wheezing. The runny nose and watering eyes. The itching! Allergies can be just plain hateful. So how do you think your pets feel? Like the rest of your family, many dogs and cats are allergic to grass, not to mention weed pollen. And their incessant scratching isn’t any more effective than yours. We have a solution to this debilitating problem: replace that offending lawn with artificial grass.



Allergic Living says, “For those with grass allergy, a lush lawn can be the bane of summer.” They recommend you:

  • Stay indoors, with windows closed, the blinds drawn, and a fan running.
  • Avoid mowing your grass.
  • Take drugs. 

Sounds like a fun-filled summer. They also point out that your joy will be extended multi-season. That’s because what you’re actually allergic to in the spring is grass pollen. But in late summer/fall your body is responding to mold that makes itself at home in your lawn.


Why be so miserable?

Your lawn is making you sick. When you switch to artificial grass, you get a lush, green lawn that is not a bane but a boon. Top-quality synthetic turf is non-allergenic and non-toxic. Properly installed, quality artificial turf doesn’t allow for standing water. That makes it tougher for mold and mildew to take hold and produce their noxious spores. And since you never have to apply chemicals to your faux grass to feed it or fend off insects, bacteria, and fungi, your family is safe from those dangers as well.


Every member of your family – two-legged and four-legged – can romp and relax without worry. And your inner homeowner will be bursting with pride, because this lawn actually is lush and green. (Let’s be honest. Your allergen-producing natural grass never looked that good. Not even when you loaded up on antihistamines so you could bravely wage the lawn maintenance war every weekend.)


Match your grass to your home’s personality

You even have options when it comes to artificial grass. Here at Heavenly Greens, we offer several varieties of faux lawn turf, each one formulated to look, feel, and perform just a bit differently. Makes sense, considering you want the grass that will match your yard and lifestyle.


For poor, suffering Fido, we have just the grass, too. Yep – specially designed, fluffy faux grass for dogs that will keep his feet comfy and his play area clean. We install it with our proprietary MaxxFlow drainage system, to make super-sure that rain water and urine drain away quickly. You can just pick up solid waste, then rinse the grass. Water doesn’t puddle, and of course there are no dead-or-dying spots to produce muddy paw prints. Your enterprising pooch can’t dig holes in our artificial grass, either.


This is why we recommend that you make switching to fake grass your #1 priority this summer. Allergies be gone, indeed! The sooner, the better, we say.