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3 California Businesses Doing Their Part For Water Conservation

3 California Businesses Doing Their Part For Water Conservation http://www.heavenlygreens.com/blog/3-california-businesses-doing-their-part-for-water-conservation @heavenlygreensBusinesses and commercial properties are two of the biggest drains on California's precious water supply. The question many residents are constantly asking is “What are businesses being forced to do to help conserve our water?” The answer is, plenty. Many businesses have taken the initiative to help not only conserve the state's water supply, but protect it from contaminants and pollutants that many companies often produce. The key for many business owners is closely monitoring its water usage patterns and finding ways to reduce waste.


Newport Beach, Pasadena and San Jose are California communities that have taken the bull by the horns so to speak, and basically put their residents on notice that things are changing. City employees are constantly monitoring the city's water usage to see if they can find any way to help reduce the amount of water used on a daily basis. While many people don't think of a city or town as a business, a municipality functions in much the same way as a company. It has employees and staff members who are responsible for various duties that keep the town running efficiently. Part of that efficiency is being able to use resources wisely. More and more California towns are beginning to address the drought by calling residents in the community and asking them to work together as a whole to see if what can be done in each individual area.


Restaurants have also had to make big changes when it comes to how they operate and manage their use of water. Most restaurants throughout the state no longer give each customer a glass of water upon seating them. Instead, they wait until water is requested. Restaurant managers also work hand in hand with their employees to make sure as little water as possible is wasted behind the kitchen doors as well. Dishwashers are used more efficiently and tables are wiped down with a special cleaner instead of warm soap and water.

Landscaping Companies

Landscaping companies like Gardens By Gabriel work to help both homeowners and commercial business owners find water saving solutions when it comes to decorating the exterior of their homes and properties. New gardening techniques, the use of drought tolerant plants, artificial turf and other inorganic surfacing materials help create landscaped areas that require very little water.

Turf Terminators is a California based company that specializes in the installation of artificial turf. The employees can help residents convert their natural grass lawn to artificial turf and dramatically cut their water usage. They can also add recreational areas like putting greens, game areas or dog runs for individuals who do not want to convert their entire lawn. Companies that work primarily with artificial turf can show homeowners many uses for the turf other than just eliminating natural grass.

The Drought Without Drab Campaign

California Waterkeepers and the California Coastkeepers Alliance have joined forces to create the “Drought Without Drab” campaign. The campaign encourages both residents and businesses alike to find creative ways to conserve water and then share their ideas with the public. The hope is to not only encourage conservancy, but keep the state as beautiful as possible in the process. Studies the group uses to help get their point across indicate that Californian could save up to 70% of their total outdoor water usage if they would use drought resistant plants. Using drought tolerant plants reduce the amount of water needed and will save both time and money in the long run.

With the little hope for relief from the drought conditions in sight, California residents and businesses are having to work together to save water. Both groups are learning that saving water may not be easy, but it can be accomplished when both sides work together. Sharing ideas and helping one another learn new ways to make every drop count is important for everyone's sake.

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