Many homeowners make the choice to install artificial turf because it requires little to no maintenance and uses virtually no water. There are other reasons that can be used to justify the decision. One is that artificial turf eliminatesmany of the most common insects and animals that make pests of themselves. When pests are eliminated, there is little need for insecticides and other poisons that are often used to get rid of them.
Mosquitoes are often the biggest pests when it comes to ruining summer nights. They breed extensively, especially when there is standing water in the low areas of a lawn. Water can accumulate in many different places, including the yard. After heavy precipitation that saturates the soil, water can begin to accumulate in dips and valleys of a natural grass lawn. Installing artificial turf eliminates low areas and allows water to drain away before it begins to collect.
Artificial turf has no organic matter and worms do not work their way to the surface. This eliminates many other insects that require dirt and grass to survive. Crickets, bees, grasshoppers and other vegetation loving insects will go elsewhere when artificial grass is installed. When they have no food or means of support, the insects and other bugs will quickly move to find other sources to live off of.
If you have wood structures on the property, you will want to protect them from termites and other bugs that use wood to make their homes. In some areas, this will not be a major problem, but it is a good idea to get your home and out-buildings checked so you can protect them if need be.
With no birds, grubs or other soil dwelling organisms to forage for, birds will also begin to search elsewhere for food. Birds may gather grass and other plants to build their nests. When artificial turf is installed, there is nothing organic they can use, forcing them to search for materials elsewhere. While most birds are not really thought of as pests, bats can sometimes be a nuisance. Bats are known to eat mosquitoes and other flying insects that come out in droves at night. With no standing water for them to use as breeding grounds, the number of mosquitoes to be used for food is greatly diminished.
Moles, mice, rabbits, groundhogs and other rodents often don’t hang around long if a natural grass lawn is converted to artificial turf. Moles and groundhogs cannot thrive in an environment covered with artificial turf. They need to be able to burrow close to the grass’ surface to survive. If they can’t, they starve. The same is true for rabbits who make their nests in small burrows just under the surface of the ground. This is why many nests are uncovered when a person mows the lawn.
Mice and rats will also look for other areas to make their homes if their natural grass environment is disrupted. Often times, instead of moving away, they will try to enter the home or another building. This may be easy to remedy, but can be an unwelcome surprise until they pests are eliminated. Controlling the pest population may be as easy as having a cat or two roam the property. Having an exterminator come on a regular basis for the first few months after installing an artificial lawn will help to get rid of most of the pests that present themselves.
Installing artificial turf alters the environment and reduces the food sources for many animals and insects. This works across the board and can eliminate both good and bad from the area. For many the getting rid of the pests allows them to not have to worry about excessive ground work or pesky bugs that can ruin a beautiful night, relaxing on the patio.