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Cool Ways To Use Artificial Turf In Your Home Or Business


Cool Ways To Use Artificial Turf In Your Home Or Business http://www.heavenlygreens.com/blog/cool-ways-to-use-artificial-turf-in-your-home-or-business @heavenlygreensArtificial turf. It’s not just for lawns any more. Perhaps you knew that already, but have you ever really considered all the non-lawn possibilities? There are some very cool ways to use faux grass around your home and at your office.


At the office

Create play spaces for your employees. You don’t have to be a high-tech giant to provide an atmosphere in which your people can indulge their inner kid while letting their minds relax. Or contemplate how to make their Next New Big Idea a reality.


A quiet space for yoga or meditation is just the thing for employees who feel stressed. Or those who feel the need to stretch their bodies during the day. And why shouldn’t your team play a little bocce or croquet or practice their putting while they’re having a meeting? They can still discuss the latest project and bounce ideas off one another. Movement keeps the blood flowing, and that fuels the brain.


All these spaces can be created either outdoors or inside – it’s not like artificial grass needs sunlight or water to grow. In fact, it’s virtually maintenance free. Plus, it’s pretty.


But there’s more. You could:

  • Grow a green and grassy wall – in individual offices, in your lobby, in the conference room.
  • Carpet the floor with artificial turf.
  • Create a rooftop garden – just the spot for quiet moments and employee picnics (or maybe those outdoor bocce and golf spaces).
  • Spell out your company name in fake grass letters. If Google can do it, you can too.
  • Or make a big version of your logo to display on the wall or floor in your reception area. Unlike real grass, faux comes in any color you want, so your creation can be brand-perfect. (And, P.S. You can do the same thing with your logo outdoors, incorporating it in your front lawn or on your rooftop. Talk about making an eye-catching marketing statement!
  • Do something whimsical, such as covering the chairs in your waiting area with fake grass.


Artificial turf is sometimes practical, sometimes fun, always inviting. So why not hold an employee contest to see who can find the most unusual use for artificial grass?


On the home front

Anything a business can do, you can adapt for your home. And vice versa.

  • Carpet the boys’ room with fake grass. Or craft an area rug that’s a miniature football field, complete with yardage striping and numbers, etc.
  • Carpet the girls’ room with hot pink grass. Or make a heart-shaped grassy rug. Then do a DIY project with the girls to paint a flowery garden around the walls.
  • Go wild for your pets’ spaces. There are amazing ways you can use artificial turf to “green up” snoozing and play areas for both dogs and cats.
  • Topiary! If you’ve always wanted a fancy topiary in the form of a bird, or a bonsai, or lion guarding your front door, this is your big chance. Topiary is an exacting, time-consuming art – but not when you “grow” yours from artificial turf! Build the shape you want, cover it with fake grass, and it will be forever perfectly-manicured.
  • Does your kid want a chia pet for Christmas? (Don’t they all?) Make her a fake grass pet instead, and you avoid the tears that come later on, when your child’s chia fails to grow or doesn’t last.


Cool ways to use artificial turf are almost as plentiful as blades of grass. So what will you do next?


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